Merry Christmas! Though I tried really hard, I am sure I was unable to get my Christmas Card to all of my friends and family. So, if I did miss you, I am posting our Christmas Card picture on my blog and am wishing you a Merry Christmas! Love the Allreds
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Christmas Card
Merry Christmas! Though I tried really hard, I am sure I was unable to get my Christmas Card to all of my friends and family. So, if I did miss you, I am posting our Christmas Card picture on my blog and am wishing you a Merry Christmas! Love the Allreds
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Scared of SANTA
We went to our ward Christmas party last night. Santa came and Vienna made sure she told him what she wants. Let's hope Santa doesn't mess up because she has now told him TWICE that she wants a Dora backpack. She was so brave.
Clark on the other hand, he wanted nothing to do with the big man. Let's hope he still gets a present:)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Life is crazy, as holidays often are. I am finishing up school. A week and a half and I will have finished all the credits needed to re-certify as a teacher. I am also doing a bunch of video editing projects for family. And now my sister Millie is getting married, so we are preparing to come to Utah in a few weeks. So, my blogging has been infrequent but here is my post to say MERRY CHRISTMAS. I hope you all have a happy holiday and let's hope the new year finds me visiting the blogging world more :)
After Thanksgiving we drove a couple of hours to the mountains and cut down our Christmas Tree. There was snow on the ground and it snowed while we were there. It really felt like Christmas. When we got back we put on our T-shirts and decorated the tree. It feels weird to be in the 70's and 80's in December, but the weather is beautiful.
Gilbert city had a tree lighting concert and Santa came. Vienna told me over and over she needed to sit on his lap so he will know what she wants. So, we waited in the longest line and she sat on his lap! I thought she would be scared, but she sat down and said, "I want Dora's backpack." Clark would have nothing to do with him except when he gave him a candy cane! I hope Santa brings what Vienna asked for :)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Vienna's 3 Year Old Pictures
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Our ward had a Halloween Trunk or Treat this weekend. We all dressed up and had a fun time. Clark didn't want to wear a costume so luckily he had a baseball shirt and he loves Jaron's hats, so he went as a baseball player. Jaron didn't want to dress up. So when it was time to go, he agreed to wear his construction gear. He wears all that stuff at work, but it was a costume, so he wore it. He actually got a lot of compliments on his costume! Vienna and I wore costumes made my Jaron's mom when he was little. Vienna's costume was her aunt Amy's when she was little and I wore Jaron's brother Dallin's Egyptian costume. A few people complimented us on home made costumes. Too bad I couldn't take the credit! When we got there, most of the adults weren't in costume. Too bad for them, they all missed the fun opportunity to dress up. I LOVE HALLOWEEN. After the party I was putting Vienna to bed and I was singing a Halloween song and she said, "Mom, Don't sing that. Halloween is over." I thought, "Hmm, could I get away with that?" I love Halloween but I don't love having tons of candy around the house so maybe we won't have to go trick or treating. We'll see!
Here we are, ready to go to the party.
Here is our little witch!
Here's our handsome construction worker!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
YeeHAW! The county fair!
On Friday we picked Jaron up from work and went to the State Fair. It was opening night so we got in for $1 per person, the kids were free. Also, we went to the free parking and took the shuttle in. So for $2 we went to the fair. (Don't worry, they get you with the food and the rides!) We had so much fun. They had a petting zoo with camels, baby giraffe, ostrich, pigs, buffalo, etc. We also saw all the farm animals. Vienna loved the cow pies on the floor! There was a building filled with things to play on, like little gym props, little cars to push around, and a little corn maze. Another building had a mini farm on it and the kids got to be real farmers. We went at night so it was so busy! It felt like Disneyland where it is impossible to take a full step! At one time I noticed a group of policeman with bulletproof vests on and on the back it was printed, "Mesa Gang Enforcement." I said to Jaron, "That makes me nervous! Do I get a vest, too?" Then later we saw two gang-like teenagers running for their lives. I said to Jaron, "That makes me nervous too!" Then we were walking through the main section and a lady totally ran in to me from behind. I turned around to see what was going on and she said to her husband, "They are RUNNING!" I looked back and people were running from the middle area. Then I heard someone say, "They are SHOOTING!" and I heard a few pops. I looked at Jaron and said, "We need to run" He is so calm always. He said, "Running is how people are killed. We're ok." And he just quickly walked away. I would have been part of the stampede but good thing someone has a level head. Turns out, nothing happened. People really might have been running away but the popping were balloons from a game. We didn't see any police around or hear of any shootings, so I don't think it was serious but it scared me. We left a little while after that. Though we had a brush with gang activity, it was a fun night and we loved being at the fair. I don't know what it is. Maybe it is because I grew up going to the fair, but the fair just seems magical. The smell of greasy food, people staring at cows and sheep, money being spent on a six dollar corn dog, it is just magical! |
Vienna loved being a farmer. This was her favorite part and she milked for ten minutes. We should live on a farm!

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Clark is Eighteen months!
This month Clark is turning eighteen months, which means one thing...NURSERY! Clark will love it, especially since Vienna will be in there for three months to help him get used to it. Clark is such a fun boy who loves wrestling, cars, shoes, and balls. He says words like, "Thank You," "Doggy," and his favorite, "Daddy!" He loves kisses and hugs! He has been such a joy in our lives!
Clark now can answer how old he is!
Clark often falls asleep in his highchair at lunch. He plays so hard then sleeps so hard.
It is so stinking hot here that Clark spends most of days in a diaper. Hey, it saves on laundry!
Our sweet little Vienna turned three years old in September! She was so excited for this day. We had a few friends over for a party. She loved being the birthday girl! Vienna is a fun little girl. She is a tease who learned from the best, her dad! She loves to talk and talks to everyone who will listen. The best thing about Vienna, she loves life! She is always ready for fun and friends. She wakes up each morning saying, "What are we doing today!" We are so grateful that three years ago she came to our family!

Here is our little dancer. She takes tap, ballet, and tumbling from the community classes. She loves it and really tries to follow the teacher the entire time. She is cute to watch.
Jaron's work paid for a day at the amusement park. Vienna was just tall enough to ride with her daddy. They zoomed around like they were in the Indy 500.
A Fun Summer!
It is still over a 100 degrees on some days, so the summer is still lingering. We are still in T-shirts and capris. We have had a fun summer, visiting Utah, exploring Arizona, and enjoying our community pool. Here are some pictures of our fun summer!

We went to Utah in July. Here is Clark and Vienna, our little fishermen! Clark had fallen in the pond and spent the rest of the day in a diaper. We didn't catch any fish, though dad and grandpa tried!
We spent some time in Hooper for the Haws Family Reunion. The kids loved playing in Grandma and Grandpa's yard and playing with cousins! It was a great visit.
In July, Joni turned 26 years old. She couldn't be a happier woman. She has a great husband and two beautiful children!
In the summer, the Phoenix Zoo opens up at night when it is a little cooler. We went and visited the animals. Clark is a little animal lover so he enjoyed watching all of the animals. The zoo is very beautiful and we love going!
Our New Color House
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