Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Our New Blog
If you haven't already heard...My sisters and I have started a new blog. It is sagaofsevensisters.blogspot.co m. Because there are seven of us, each one of us will take a day each week to post. My day is Saturday! So if you like reading daily about crazy moms living life to the fullest, then stop on by!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I haven't been the best about posting, but...... We have an announcement!
After two years of trying and a couple of miscarriages, we are happy to announce we are having a baby!!!! We saw and heard the heartbeat today! We are so excited. I am due the first of August! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
What We've Been Up To
Well, its been quite some time since we posted. It might have something to do with moving three times since February. So here is a catch up to get us back into blogging. Since we moved home it hasn't seemed necessary to post since we see family more, but I love looking at other people's blogs, so we will continue to post. Anyways, here is our update...
1. In May we moved to Provo. Joni got a job from her old employee at Alpine Storage. They have apartments right off of the office. Joni and the kids run the office for a few hours in exchange for rent and utilities. Its a really good arrangement.
2. We went on a family vacation to Island Park. Joni's parents have a cabin there and they rented it to us for the week. It was just the four of us, Jaron, Joni, Vienna, and Clark, but we had a wonderful time.

We went into West Yellowstone for the afternoon and watched Beauty and the Beast at the Playmill, which was so fun. Vienna and Clark got so into it that they laughed, cried, screamed, and cheered. They were almost more entertaining than the actors!

We also fed the fish and the birds.
The kids were suppose to be feeding the fish and birds, but they started eating the hot dog buns instead!
3. We went to Lagoon on my mom's Stake Lagoon Day. My parents came, along with my sister Millie and her family, and my brother JB and his family. It was a fun day.

Here is Clark and his cousin Truman. Vienna is in the back.
Vienna riding the boats. This is her last year to ride the boats because next year she will be too tall.
4. At the end of June a job came open at Alpine Storage at their Roy Facility. Though Jaron is working right now in Sandy, his company plans to relocate to South Weber. So we decided to move to Roy anticipating Jaron's companies move. It was a good move for us. We really like the apartment there. The shifts aren't as long as in Provo, so Joni and the kids are in the office less and it is nice to be close to home. We hope to be here for a few years because we are really enjoying our time.
Here are the BOYS
7. So we live in Roy now, Jaron commutes to Sandy, and things are going great. The kids really like living here and have adjusted well. We look forward to when Jaron's commute will be ten minutes, not an hour each way! Life is good!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Happy Birthday Clark!
3 years ago today I was cleaning my apartment when I came to the conclusion that my water was breaking. I scrubbed the apartment, packed our bags, and waited for Jaron to get home from school to take me to a doctor's appointment. When he came home, I didn't tell him I was in labor. I just said, "Bring the bags, just in case." So we went to the doctor's and I finally had to say, "My water is breaking." They sent me to the hospital and two hours later, I met my little boy Clark. He has been such a joy to our family. I am so glad he decided to come and though he was a bit of a surprise, we are so happy he came. He is a busy boy, talking to anyone who will listen. He loves all things boys but will play dolls with Vienna. He loves his big sister Vienna and tries to do everything she does. He is eager to find a friend at the park and loves to have fun. He loves to cuddle and give me kisses but he will quickly change to wrestling. The other day at story time the librarian was reading a story about a bird that can fly. Clark said, "I can fly. I am a superhero." The librarian said, "Yes, superheros can fly." Clark said, "No, I am a superhero." He is our little superhero and we love him!
Happy Birthday Clark!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
In Utah for a Month
We are officially moved to Utah and have been here for one month! The move was hard, but we made it! Jaron likes his new job and the kids are adjusting well. They both miss California, as do I, but I think we will have a good life here. More to come...
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Goodbye San Francisco
Well, if you haven't heard...we are moving to Utah this week! Jaron got wind of a job from his cousin and so he applied for it. At first we didn't think we were interested, but the more we learned, the more Jaron really wanted it. We were so excited when he got it. He will be working for a company that builds the steel part of a building. So we are leaving on Thursday and heading to Utah. We are so excited for this new chapter in our lives, but we are sad to close our California chapter. We have really had a lot of fun here. We have done a ton of sightseeing. We both commented the other day we feel like we have been on a vacation for a year because we live in a vacation spot. There is always something to do! To say goodbye to the bay area, we spent the day in San Francisco. Here are a few pictures from our day. Enjoy...
The San Francisco skyline from Alcatraz. Notice the steep streets going up the hill in San Francisco.

We ended our fun day with clam chowder in sourdough bread bowls. We then took a trolley to the train station. It was a wonderful day! We have loved living here and will look back with fond memories!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Christmas 2009
For Christmas, we went home to Utah. It was such a wonderful trip as we visited both families. Here are some pictures from our adventure.
Vienna got a littlest pet shop for Christmas.
When we were in Utah, Jaron and I celebrated 7 wonderful years of marriage!
We have a community garden plot and we just put it in. Here is the finished product.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Christmas was such a wonderful time but this week back has been a slap in the face. So, I will give the top 5 reasons why this week was so bad. 1. On Sunday we were suppose to take Amtrak home. It was suppose to be so fun and wonderful. One of the trains broke down, so they put us on buses and shipped us home. Jaron had negative leg room, Vienna and I were so car sick, and it was too hot. That was miserable. 2. On Monday I went to the ER thinking I had an appendicitis. I was sent home with no diagnosis, just really sick. 3. On Tuesday, Clark threw up everywhere, twice. After that, I learned how to catch it when it came out. He threw up continually for about 8 hours and then was done. That was MISERABLE. 4. On Wednesday, Vienna was put under and had 4 cavities filled and a root canal. She has a metal cap on her back molar, which she hates. She came out fine but cried the rest of the day. 5. On Friday morning Jaron woke up throwing up and he threw up a ton for about 8 hours and then he felt better. To try to balance out the negative, here are a few positive things that happened. 1. On Tuesday, I cleaned out all my closets and put all of the Christmas presents away. It feels good to be cleaned out. 2. We had a nice evening for Jaron's 30th birthday. We had Applebee's take out. I got us Oriental Chicken Salads (which Jaron will never have again because he threw it up for a couple of hours the next day.) We had cake and opened presents. Jaron got a nice bag for his fishing stuff, an exercise ball, a scale, and a jump rope. It was a good day. 3. On Saturday we put in our garden in our city garden plot. It was wonderful. The drive was short and beautiful. The garden is in the middle of the country, so from our spot you can't see any houses, just rolling green hills (yes, we are entering the green season!) We put in onions, cilantro, carrots, beets, radishes, strawberries, rhubarb, peas, and lettuce. It was so fun to work the soil. The kids loved it and we had a wonderful day. 4. I taught sharing time today and it went really well (minus the girl who wet herself when giving a talk in opening exercises). The new sunbeams did good and it was fun. In conclusion, I am still really sick to my stomach. It has been 1 1/2 weeks, and today has been rough. When Clark and Jaron got sick, I thought I had what they had, but it has been totally different. When I talk to people, they say this bug is going around. But nobody has talked about stomach cramps. So I am going to go see a doctor tomorrow. I just don't feel good. I hope they can give me something because I am done with this. I hope we have a better week and I hope you all have a good week.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Happy 30th Birthday Jaron!
Today is a big day in Jaron's life. He has left his 20's and is now entering his 30's. His 20's were some important years. He served a mission, got married, had two children, got into BYU, graduated from BYU, got a job and moved to Arizona, bought a house, moved to Oakland, California and celebrated 7 years of marriage. Many people say that the 30's are the best years of life. If that is so, and the 20's were so great, I am excited to see what happens in Jaron's next 10 years. I hope I am by his side for it all!
I could write a novel about Jaron. I love him so much and he is so good to me in so many ways. He is my level head, my best friend. He is the first person I want to call and who I want to spend my time with. He is also a wonderful father. Clark cried for almost an hour this morning because he didn't want Jaron to go to work. As I was enduring the tears I thought, "Jaron is such a good dad and Clark's tears are proof." The kids love to be with him and I love to be with him. I keep teasing him that now that he is 30 I will turn him in for a younger man. I would never change my choice of who I married. Jaron is my other half.
Happy Birthday! I love you Jaron!
Love, your adoring wife, Joni
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
For Thanksgiving, we stayed home and celebrated it with our small family. It was a wonderful weekend. Here are some pictures of what we did.
Here's Vienna ready for Thanksgiving dinner. Even though it was just us we still cooked a full Thanksgiving meal. We will be having left overs for a month!

On Saturday we went to a tree farm to cut down a tree. It was fun because you walk around and choose your tree and then you cut it down yourself. Here is Vienna holding the saw.

After walking around for a little while, we found our tree. Because we live in a small apartment, we needed a tall skinny one and we found it. It was perfect.

Here is our tree. We spent the afternoon decorating the tree and the apartment. It feels like Christmas. I love this time of year!
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